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- New address / nouvelle adresse / nuovo indirizzo 2019/10/04
- (cs) Bylo odhaleno další sledovací zařízení v autě 2019/09/10
- (en) Two GPS trackers and a microphone found in a vehicle (Italy) 2019/09/10
- (it) G.P.S.(m) – ritrovati GPS e microfoni (Italia) 2019/09/10
- (fr) Deux balises GPS et un micro trouvés dans un véhicule (Italie) 2019/09/10
- (cs) Sledovací zařízení nalezeno během setkání v Cuneo 2019/08/08
- (en) A surveillance device found during a gathering in Cuneo (Italy) 2019/06/13
- (it) Spioni! (Cuneo) 2019/06/13
- (fr) Un dispositif de surveillance retrouvé pendant un rassemblement à Coni (Italie) 2019/06/13
- (it) Dipartimento della Sarthe : tre telecamere di sorveglianza ritrovate in occasione di una iniziativa benefit 2019/04/25
- (en) The ears of Pedrotta : microphones found in Turin (Italy) 2019/03/15
- (it) Le orecchie della Pedrotta 2019/03/15
- (fr) Les oreilles de M.me Pedrotta : des micros retrouvés à Turin (Italie) 2019/03/15
- (en) Internal document of the french intelligence services : Technical assistance for surveillance and shadowing – putting beacons 2019/03/12
- (fr) Document interne des renseignements français : Aide technique à la surveillance et filature – le balisage 2019/03/12
Author Archives: desoreillesetdesyeux
New address / nouvelle adresse / nuovo indirizzo
4 october 2019 – the website address has changed! The new address is https://earsandeyes.noblogs.org. We wanted to get rid of the old address written in french, in favor of a more international one, written in english. The new website has … Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged English language, French language, Italian language
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(cs) Bylo odhaleno další sledovací zařízení v autě
(article originally published on https://kronika.noblogs.org/post/2019/09/06/bylo-odhaleno-dalsi-sledovaci-zarizeni-v-aute/) Nedávno byl zaznamenaný další případ odhalení GPS sledovacího zařízení a mikrofonů v osobním automobilu. Zařízení mělo italskou kartu a zdroj složený z pěti 3,6 voltových baterií zapojených sériově. Bylo to připevněno magnetem na zadním nárazníku. … Continue reading
Posted in Surveillance device examples
Tagged Czech language
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(en) Two GPS trackers and a microphone found in a vehicle (Italy)
(translated from the french translation at https://attaque.noblogs.org/post/2019/08/27/italie-deux-balises-gps-et-un-micro-trouves-dans-un-vehicule/) Hi, I’m Giampi, when I drink diesel I carry around Europe my friend and its blond and hairy beast. A few days ago, we got rid of two things that were sticked on … Continue reading
Posted in Surveillance device examples
Tagged English language
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(it) G.P.S.(m) – ritrovati GPS e microfoni (Italia)
(articolo originale : https://roundrobin.info/2019/08/g-p-s-m-ritrovati-gps-e-microfoni/) Ciao sono il Giampi, quando bevo disel scarrozzo in giro per l’europa il mio socio e la sua bestia pelosa e bionda. Un pó di giorni f’á ci siamo alleggeriti di due cosi che ci avevano … Continue reading
Posted in Surveillance device examples
Tagged Italian language
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(fr) Deux balises GPS et un micro trouvés dans un véhicule (Italie)
(article d’origine sur https://attaque.noblogs.org/post/2019/08/27/italie-deux-balises-gps-et-un-micro-trouves-dans-un-vehicule/) Salut, je suis Giampi, quand je bois du gasoil je trimballe à travers l’Europe mon copain et sa bête poilue et blonde. Il y a quelques jours, on s’est débarrassé de deux trucs qu’on nous avait … Continue reading
Posted in Surveillance device examples
Tagged French language
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(cs) Sledovací zařízení nalezeno během setkání v Cuneo
(article originally published on https://kronika.noblogs.org/post/2019/07/06/sledovaci-zarizeni-nalezeno-behem-setkani-v-cueno/) Hlasy, slyšené během setkání v sobotu 8. června před vězením Cuneo v rámci kampaně proti 41bis, jsou povzbuzením pro vězně. Nebyly však slyšeny jen pozornýma ušima vězňů, ale i těma státu. U malé zdi podél … Continue reading
Posted in Surveillance device examples
Tagged Czech language
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(en) A surveillance device found during a gathering in Cuneo (Italy)
(translated from the french translation at https://attaque.noblogs.org/post/2019/06/13/coni-italie-fureteurs/) The voices which, since the gathering of saturday 8th of june in front of Cuneo’s jail, as part of the campaign against the 41bis, cheered up the prisoners, were not only heard by the … Continue reading
Posted in Surveillance device examples
Tagged English language
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(it) Spioni! (Cuneo)
(articolo originale : https://www.autistici.org/macerie/?p=33627) Le voci che dal presidio, tenutosi sotto le mura del carcere di Cuneo, sabato 8 giugno, nell’ambito della campagna contro il 41bis, hanno dato animo ai detenuti non sono state ascoltate solo dalle orecchie attente dei reclusi … Continue reading
(fr) Un dispositif de surveillance retrouvé pendant un rassemblement à Coni (Italie)
(article d’origine sur https://attaque.noblogs.org/post/2019/06/13/coni-italie-fureteurs/) Les voix qui, depuis le rassemblements de samedi 8 juin devant la prison de Coni, dans le cadre de la campagne contre le 41bis, ont remonté le moral des détenus, n’ont pas été écoutées seulement par … Continue reading
Posted in Surveillance device examples
Tagged French language
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(it) Dipartimento della Sarthe : tre telecamere di sorveglianza ritrovate in occasione di una iniziativa benefit
(articolo originale : https://attaque.noblogs.org/post/2019/04/15/dipartimento-della-sarthe-tre-telecamere-di-sorveglianza-ritrovate-in-occasione-di-una-iniziativa-benefit/) Aneddoto Settembre 2018, in un piccolo villagio di 300 abitanti, nel dipartimento della Sarthe [nel centro-ovest della Francia; NdAtt.]. Per rispondere all’invito al sostegno finanziario e materiale alla resistenza contro la discarica nucleare di Bure, decidiamo … Continue reading
Posted in Surveillance device examples
Tagged Italian language
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