(translated from the french translation at https://cracherdanslasoupe.noblogs.org/?p=4830)
(original article in italian at https://roundrobin.info/2019/03/trento-sei-microspie-e-una-telecamera-immagini-pesanti/)
Following the « Renata operation » which led to the arrest of seven comrades and about fifty police searches, mostly in Trente and Rovereto, but also in Rome, Naples and Cagliari, we decided to check our homes, looking for enemy ears.
Searching through outlet and switch cases, we found 6 acoustic devices, chips with microphones, batteries, sim card and memory card (the sim and memory card were there in each case but one).
Two of them were located in two different places of the living-room, the communal space of the house. Another was located in the corridor that goes from the entrance to the bedrooms and the rest of the house, the last three were found in the private bedrooms, one for each room.
Searching more carefully, we noticed that a microphone placed above the intercom in the corridor (the one without sim or memory card) was equipped with a video transmission channel. We discovered that the cables were connected to the intercom, inside which a camera had been installed with great precision. As the pictures below show, the camera lens could observe through a small hole already present in the intercom structure and slightly worked on to fit the device. This allowed the cops to control the house entrance, the corridor, and even the tenants private bedrooms.
It’s the second time we find a camera in a house in which comrades live, which shows a clear leap in terms of repression.
Not only on the phone, in the car, during meetings, but also surveilled at home minute after minute and even listened to in the intimacy of our bedrooms.
These findings only feed our anger and hate for the Digos and the Ros, about whom we would like to say that it won’t be enough to watch us closer and make us feel their breath in the neck to scare us and make us give up our ideas.
comrades that were spyed on
below some pictures of the devices :